Original Graph

Metaphoric Map

Evaluation Metrics


How to generate a graph:

There are two ways to generate the original graph. You can draw the graph on the left canvas or you can click Graph - Create Graph on the navigation bar.

You can edit the layout of the graph by clicking the Actions - Barycentric Layouter option on the navigation bar.

Metaphoric Map:

You can use any of the two algorithms we implemented by clicking on the respective button on the Action dropdown after drawing your graph.

Remember: MS-Algorithm and Our Algorithm require planar biconnected graphs.

You can change the parameters of Our Algorithm by clicking Actions - Algorithm Settings on the navigation bar. Default parameters are set to reflect those we used in our experiments.


You can get the Metrics of the Metaphoric Maps you have created by clicking on Metrics. You can also see the Cartographic Error as a shade of green and red by clicking on Color Map.

Generate Random


Experiment Setup